Save Water: Shower Together!

Last Updated: June 21, 2024By

Save Water: Shower Together!


Hey there! Did you know that couples in Bogotá are being asked to shower together? Yep, you heard it right! Water supplies are running low in the Colombian capital, so everyone is pitching in to save water.

Last Thursday, many neighborhoods were cut off from the water grid. This drastic step was taken to preserve the critically low water levels at the reservoirs. Why is this happening? Well, it’s all thanks to El Niño, a weather phenomenon that’s causing droughts by reducing rainfall.

Mayor Carlos Fernando Galán is leading the charge with some interesting advice. “Shower as a couple,” he suggests. He explains that this isn’t just a fun suggestion, but a necessary educational exercise to save water. These small behavioral changes are crucial right now.


But that’s not all! Galán is also asking residents to think about skipping their daily showers if they don’t need to go out. “If you’re staying home on Sunday or any other day, why not skip the bath?” he pleaded before the water cuts started.

El Niño has really hit South America hard this year with record-breaking droughts and high temperatures. It’s so bad that many regions have had to put emergency measures in place.

Even though Bogotá is nestled high in the Andes mountains, about 2,600 meters (8,500 feet) above sea level, it’s still feeling the heat. Normally, Bogotá is pretty rainy, getting about 1,020 mm (40 inches) of rainfall each year. That’s almost double what London gets! But now, the city is facing unusually long dry spells, causing wildfires and choking neighborhoods with smoke. The reservoirs that 10 million people depend on are at critical levels.

The Chingaza reservoir, which supplies 70% of Bogotá’s water, is down to just 16% – the lowest it has ever been. The city’s public water utility estimates there are only about 54 days’ worth of water left.

To avoid a disaster, officials have divided Bogotá into nine zones. Each zone will be cut off from the water grid for 24 hours on a rotating schedule. While the mayor didn’t specify how long these measures will last, he urged everyone to reduce their water consumption. “Let’s not waste a drop of water in Bogotá at this time,” he emphasized.

Bogotá isn’t alone in this struggle. Mexico City has also been rationing water, and Guatemala declared an emergency due to wildfires just this past Wednesday.

With all these changes, people in Bogotá are now wondering about their shower routines. Should they shower? For how long? And how many buckets of water should they fill?

Mariana García Achury, a 34-year-old resident of Bogotá, shared her thoughts. “I’m using a bucket to bathe and save water,” she said. But she’s skeptical about people completely stopping their showers. “I really don’t think that is going to happen,” she added. “Or at least if they do, they won’t be telling anyone about it.”

So, what do you think? Would you shower with your partner to save water? It’s a small change that can make a big difference!

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