Russian ties and cheap tech: G7 leaders unequivocal in criticism of China

Last Updated: June 23, 2024By

China’s Role and Global Concerns


G7 leaders are pointing fingers at China’s involvement in aiding Russia’s actions in Ukraine and its production practices that flood markets with cheap goods, a move that Germany hasn’t fully embraced.


US Leading the Charge

During the annual summit in Puglia under Italian leadership, the US spearheaded a 36-page statement slamming Chinese subsidies for items like solar panels and electric cars. These subsidies, the US argues, create “global spillovers, market distortions, and harmful overcapacity” that harm industries worldwide.


US officials directly accused China of supplying dual-use materials to Russia, items with both civilian and military uses. They specifically mentioned optics, nitrocellulose, microelectronics, and other materials used in armament production, posing threats not just to Ukraine but to Europe’s long-term security.


Biden’s Blunt Assertions

Standing alongside Ukrainian President Zelenskiy, President Biden didn’t mince words about China’s alleged role in arming Russia. Zelenskiy, however, insisted that China had assured him of not supplying arms to Moscow.


Global Concerns and Consequences

The US, Japan, and the EU, along with unofficial G7 partner the EU, have expressed worries about China’s generous subsidies, especially in green technology. These subsidies lead to unfairly cheap goods flooding the market, making it challenging for western companies to compete, especially in the green tech sector.


Diplomatic Moves and Expansion

A senior Chinese official will visit Brussels to discuss EU plans to impose duties on Chinese electric vehicles. Meanwhile, the G7 expanded its meeting to include leaders from the global south, emphasizing cooperation to address collective challenges.


Russia’s Consequences

Russia faced broader sanctions, a loss of control over state assets, and a new US-Ukraine security pact. The summit announced a $50bn loan for Ukraine, funded by interest from Russian assets, signaling a squeeze on the Russian economy.


Continued Pressure

The final communique demanded Russia end its “illegal war of aggression” and pay for the damage to Ukraine, exceeding $486bn according to the World Bank. Russia’s dismissal of the US-Ukraine security deal as mere “pieces of paper” underscores the ongoing tensions.


India’s Role and Concerns

India’s dependence on Russian oil raised concerns, especially with rising prices. While India hasn’t been part of export bans on Russian oil, tighter enforcement of price caps was urged by the G7, including action against vessels violating these caps.


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