Packers and Eagles to play NFL season opener at Brazil club with ‘ban’ on green

Last Updated: June 21, 2024By

NFL Goes Global: Packers vs. Eagles Clash in Brazil


Get ready, folks! It’s game time down in Brazil as the Green Bay Packers gear up to take on the Philadelphia Eagles. That’s right, the NFL is making its way to Sao Paulo for the first regular-season showdown in Brazil since forever!

This ain’t your ordinary Sunday game either. Nope, mark your calendars for September 6th because that’s when the action’s going down. And get this, it’s been ages since the NFL lit up a Friday night game on the opening weekend. We’re talking way back to 1970!

Roger Goodell, the big shot NFL commissioner, spilled the beans back in February, teasing that the Eagles would be hosting this showdown. But guess what? Plot twist! The Packers are crashing the party too.

So where’s all this happening? Corinthians Arena, baby! You know, that spot where the Corinthians soccer team struts their stuff. But here’s the kicker – they’ve got a thing against the color green, thanks to their arch-rivals Palmeiras. And wouldn’t you know it, both the Packers and the Eagles are rocking green! Talk about adding some spice to the game.


Remember Jo, the soccer star fined for daring to wear green boots? Yeah, turns out, it’s a touchy subject. He was quick to set the record straight, swearing those boots were more “turquoise blue” than anything else. “I bleed Corinthians red, not green,” he practically shouted.

But hey, green’s not totally off-limits at Corinthians Arena. Brazil and Nigeria brought the green vibes during the 2016 Olympics. Brazil in their iconic yellow jerseys with a hint of green, and Nigeria sporting their away whites with snazzy green numbers.

Oh, and you won’t want to miss the banter at the press conference. Sao Paulo’s mayor, Ricardo Nunes, couldn’t help but crack a joke about the teams’ jersey colors. Classic!

This ain’t the Packers’ first rodeo on foreign turf though. Nope, they’ve been around the block, playing in London back in 2022. Sure, they didn’t bag the win, but they’re ready to make up for it in Brazil.

Mark Murphy, the Packers’ head honcho, couldn’t contain his excitement. “We’re pumped to be part of this historic face-off in Sao Paulo,” he said. “Bringing the NFL to Brazil? Heck yeah, count us in!”

And for those wondering how to catch the action, Peacock’s got your back. Plus, it’s hitting the airwaves for free in the Eagles’ and Packers’ local hangouts. No excuses, folks!

So let’s make some history, football fans! Get your snacks ready, jerseys on, and brace yourselves for a showdown that’s gonna rock Sao Paulo and beyond. Game on! 🏈🎉

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