Narendra Modi wins backing of allies to form Indian government

Last Updated: June 24, 2024By

Modi’s Political Triumph: A New Era Begins


Narendra Modi has clinched the support of his political comrades to forge a government, set to be sworn in this weekend after a riveting election where his party fell short of an outright majority.


A Historic Third Term

In a Delhi gathering following Tuesday’s stunning outcomes, the National Democratic Alliance parties, led by Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), endorsed Modi’s return as prime minister for an unprecedented third term. “We, the NDA leaders, wholeheartedly choose Narendra Modi as our leader,” the resolution proclaimed.


The BJP’s setback of over 60 seats in Tuesday’s polls, reducing its tally to 240, left it shy of a parliamentary majority alone. This marked the party’s worst electoral display since its 2014 ascent to power and dealt a significant blow to Modi.


Yet, by Wednesday afternoon, the BJP-led coalition unveiled plans to form a coalition government after discussions at the prime minister’s residence, securing a total of 293 parliamentary seats.


Modi’s Campaign and Challenges

The BJP’s campaign revolved largely around the charismatic prime minister, Modi, and leaned heavily on his popularity and cult-like following, embodied in a straightforward manifesto titled “Modi’s guarantee.”


However, the party faced unexpected setbacks in Hindi heartland states, erstwhile BJP strongholds like Uttar Pradesh, home to 240 million people, as segments of lower-caste voters turned away from Modi and his party’s Hindu nationalist stance.


Exit polls prior had missed the undercurrent of dissatisfaction among poorer rural voters, leading to overly optimistic predictions for the BJP’s success. Pradeep Gupta, from the Axis My India poll agency, admitted to this oversight, noting their focus on more affluent male voters skewed their forecasts.


A Coalition for Governance

Modi’s coalition partners, some with past affiliations to opposition parties like Congress, diverge from the BJP’s right-wing, Hindu-nationalist ideology, identifying as secular.


Analysts speculate that Modi may pivot towards a more conciliatory politics, dialing down the religious nationalist agenda that aimed to reshape India into a Hindu state rather than a secular one.


As Modi prepares for his third term, the nation anticipates a new political landscape, marked by coalition dynamics and potential shifts in governance style.


Modi’s triumphant return and the evolving political landscape signal a new chapter in India’s governance. As alliances form and priorities realign, the coming years promise a dynamic period in Indian politics, shaped by coalition intricacies and Modi’s evolving leadership style.

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