Indian engineers warn of prolonged blackouts amid searing heatwave

Last Updated: June 22, 2024By

Heatwave Woes: Power Struggles in Northern India


Hey there! Engineers in India are sounding the alarm about possible long-lasting power blackouts up north, where scorching heat has turned life upside down for millions.


The thirst for electricity is skyrocketing with everyone running fans, coolers, and ACs non-stop. This heavy load is straining the power grid in Delhi and other northern areas. Air conditioner and cooler makers are reporting sales shooting up by a whopping 40-50% compared to last summer!


Over in Punjab, power usage has surged by a whopping 43% this month alone compared to last year. The All India Power Engineers Federation is freaking out, saying the situation’s getting dire by the minute. They’re warning that if Punjab’s grid goes down, it could set off a nationwide power chain reaction. Yikes!


Increased power demands in June have already caused outages across the region. There was even an hour-long blackout at Indira Gandhi airport, messing up check-ins and boarding. Plus, overheated gadgets are sparking short circuits, leading to fires in shops and homes. It’s chaos!


The heatwave’s been relentless since mid-May, with nighttime temps barely dipping below 33C (91F). It’s brutal! And guess what? Scientists say climate change is making these heatwaves longer, nastier, and more frequent.


Imagine being someone who has to work outside in this inferno, like street vendors, traffic cops, security guards, delivery folks, rickshaw drivers, and construction workers. Their neighborhoods are facing water shortages, making life even harder.


Ram Milan, a security guard, paints a vivid picture of the struggle. “Mornings and evenings are just as brutal as daytime now,” he says. “When I come home, I can’t even splash water on my face. My wife saves it all for cooking and washing.”


What really gets to him is seeing his grandkids struggle to sleep. “When they can’t sleep, they’re sluggish all day, and I hate seeing that,” he adds.


His employer’s started giving him packets of oral rehydration salts to take home. It’s not for diarrhea; it’s to balance out salt and potassium at home.


The lucky ones with cash are fleeing to cooler hill spots, but even there, it’s not all chill. Above-average temps have sparked forest fires and water shortages. Hotels are scrambling for water tankers because taps are drying up. Guests are asking about ACs, which was never a thing before.


Lalit Mohan, who runs a homestay in Almora, Uttarakhand, says, “No one ever used to ask me about ACs, but if this keeps up, I might have to get them installed.”


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