‘India has rejected Modi’s rhetoric’: British Indians react to election result

Last Updated: June 23, 2024By

Diverse Reactions to India’s Election Results


British Indians across the UK are buzzing with surprise over the recent election outcomes in India, with many hoping it marks a new path for the country.


Narendra Modi secured a historic third term as prime minister after a marathon six-week election involving over 600 million voters—the largest democratic exercise globally.


The results were seen as a turning point in Modi’s tenure, as his party, BJP, fell short of a majority, leading to a coalition government with the Congress-led INDIA opposition alliance.


Umesh Sharma, chair of the Hindu Council UK, shared his thoughts, noting the results were expected but defied poll predictions. He expressed satisfaction with the high voter turnout, emphasizing the importance of stability through fair elections.


“I’m hopeful this coalition will bring a more collaborative approach,” Sharma said, highlighting concerns about unchecked power.


Modi, who rose to power in 2014 on a platform of Hindu nationalism and development, has been praised by supporters for advancing India’s global standing but criticized for alleged human rights violations and religious tensions.


Hasan Salim Patel, a British-Indian Muslim in Birmingham, voiced relief over the election results, calling Modi’s campaign rhetoric alarming.


“The outcome reflects India’s rejection of hate and xenophobia,” said Patel, a communications consultant.


Dabinderjit Singh of the Sikh Federation noted discussions within the Sikh community about the Punjab results, cautioning against overlooking challenges faced by minorities under Modi’s rule.


In London, Aman, 21, highlighted diverse opinions within the British-Indian community, reflecting on varying perspectives among Hindus and across different regional groups.

“The election results were a mixed bag for us,” he said, noting surprise among both BJP and Congress supporters.

The outcome has sparked conversations worldwide about India’s political direction, with concerns about its impact domestically and internationally.

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