Dragons, sea toads and the longest creature ever seen found on undersea peaks off South America

Last Updated: June 21, 2024By

Discoveries Beneath the Waves: Exploring the Hidden World of the Ocean


Diving into the deep blue off the coast of South America revealed a treasure trove of marine marvels. Forget what you thought you knew about the sea – squat lobsters, flashy red sea toads, and mystical deep-sea dragon fish danced before our eyes like characters in a fantastical tale. Over 160 species, strangers to these waters until now, emerged from the shadows during a recent expedition exploring an underwater mountain range.


Our journey aboard the Falkor Too, a sleek research vessel from the Schmidt Ocean Institute, was a rollercoaster of astonishment and excitement. Erin Easton, the brains behind our operation from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, led the charge. For 40 days, we traversed the Salas y Gómez ridge, stretching from the shores of Chile to the legendary Rapa Nui, better known as Easter Island.


Underwater mountain ranges are like bustling metropolises in the ocean’s depths. Here, life flourishes in unexpected corners, clinging to rocky slopes and swirling in unique currents. Each peak harbored its own community of creatures, from the mysterious sea toads to the elusive deep-sea dragon fish with its menacing fangs.


As we delved deeper into the unknown, the surprises kept coming. Pale squat lobsters scuttled amidst vibrant coral reefs, while glass sponges formed delicate underwater gardens. We stumbled upon galaxy siphonophores, ethereal thread-like beings that glow in the dark, painting the ocean depths with their otherworldly light.


But it wasn’t just the fantastical creatures that caught our eye. The waters here are so crystal clear that even the sun’s rays dive deep below the surface. We discovered corals and algae thriving hundreds of meters beneath, basking in the glow of photosynthesis. Pinks, magentas, and vibrant greens painted the underwater landscape, a kaleidoscope of colors that defied imagination.


Yet, amidst all these wonders, we couldn’t shake the feeling that we had barely scratched the surface. Like driving down a dark road with only headlights to guide us, there’s so much more waiting to be uncovered. The ocean’s depths hold secrets beyond our wildest dreams, and with each expedition, we inch closer to unraveling its mysteries.


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