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Struggles at the Brick Kilns: A Tale of Hardship and Hope Suma Devi describes her 16 years at the brick kilns near Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, as wearing her down. Originally from Bihar, over 500 miles away, she moved in search of work, leaving behind her village near Gaya. Six years ago, just after giving birth to her daughter, she was ...

Dreams Crushed: The Plight of Afghan Teenage Girls under Taliban Rule Just a bit more than three years back, Asma’s future was bright with possibilities. She was 15, attending secondary school, dreaming of university and a life beyond. Like many Afghan girls, she knew education was her ticket out of the dark past that had held her mother and grandmother ...

A Father’s Promise: Letters of Love and Resilience from Around the World Gaza: A Father’s Hope Amidst Devastation Hey Yusef, These past months have been beyond tough. We used to be a family of four, dreaming big over dinner. Now, it’s just us, hoping to see another day. Remember that beach picnic? Ismail racing to the sea, your mom chasing, ...

Decline of Schools in Taiwan: A Crisis Unfolds In the heart of Chung Hsing private high school’s courtyard, desks and chairs tower like a forgotten monument. The scene resembles an abandoned bonfire waiting to be lit, covered in heaps of debris. Two workers haul broken furniture from empty classrooms, tossing them into a pickup truck nearby. This Taipei institution shut ...

Sentencing of #MeToo Activist and Labor Advocate Sparks Outcry A Chinese court has handed down harsh sentences to prominent #MeToo journalist Sophia Huang Xueqin and labor activist Wang Jianbing, sparking outrage among their supporters. They were detained nearly 1,000 days ago on charges of inciting state subversion. Supporters revealed on Friday that the court had delivered guilty verdicts, with Huang ...

China’s Role and Global Concerns G7 leaders are pointing fingers at China’s involvement in aiding Russia’s actions in Ukraine and its production practices that flood markets with cheap goods, a move that Germany hasn’t fully embraced. US Leading the Charge During the annual summit in Puglia under Italian leadership, the US spearheaded a 36-page statement slamming Chinese subsidies for items ...

North Korean Contributions to Global Beauty Trends Did you know that the latest in Western fashion accessories like wigs and false eyelashes might owe their origins to North Korean laborers? It’s a strange twist: while North Korea faces international sanctions for its nuclear ambitions, its trade in human hair has thrived, providing vital revenue for Pyongyang. In recent years, North ...

Standing Strong: Stories of Resilience from Ukraine’s Vietnamese Community When Russia swept into Ukraine a couple of years back, Tung Nguyen went into action. He hustled his folks out of their pad in Chernihiv, driving them all the way to the Polish border. Then, he dashed back to Kyiv, rolling up his sleeves to lend a hand—toting supplies like food ...

Tensions Escalate at Korean Border In a recent incident, North Korea’s military suffered significant losses due to landmines detonating along the heavily guarded border that separates it from South Korea. Reports indicate that multiple soldiers were either injured or killed in these explosions within the demilitarised zone (DMZ). This unsettling event occurred just hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin’s anticipated ...

Russia’s Growing Influence on North Korea A New Player on the Scene China has long been North Korea’s main partner, providing essential trade and support. However, the country’s dynamics are shifting with Vladimir Putin’s impending visit to Pyongyang, highlighting Russia’s increasing influence on its isolated neighbor. Fueling North Korea’s Economy Apart from China, Russia has also been accused of aiding ...