Another Boeing whistleblower speaks out as CEO to testify before Congress

Last Updated: June 22, 2024By

Boeing Faces Fresh Allegations of Safety Violations as CEO Prepares to Testify


As Boeing gears up for a congressional grilling, another insider has stepped forward, accusing the troubled aircraft manufacturer of taking shortcuts on its assembly line. Sam Mohawk, a quality inspector at Boeing’s Renton facility, revealed he was told by his bosses to hide crucial information from regulators.

The scrutiny on Boeing intensified after a frightening cabin panel incident in January raised new doubts about the safety and quality of its aircraft. Dave Calhoun, Boeing’s CEO, is set to face tough questions from senators at an upcoming hearing. His upcoming testimony comes amid his announcement of plans to resign later this year.

Boeing has presented a plan to the FAA to enhance quality control, claiming it has encouraged employees to report safety issues more openly. However, reports from within Boeing depict a factory in a state of crisis. According to recent coverage, the company’s largest production site is operating in what some describe as a “panic mode.”

The whistleblower accounts are alarming. Sam Salehpour, a current engineer, and Roy Irvin, a former quality investigator, have both publicly accused Boeing of compromising safety standards in recent months.


Senator Richard Blumenthal, who chairs the Senate subcommittee overseeing investigations, criticized Boeing’s corporate culture, describing it as profit-driven and hostile to dissent. “This culture needs a serious overhaul,” Blumenthal emphasized.

Mohawk, in his testimony to the Senate panel, highlighted systemic issues with documenting and holding accountable parts that do not meet standards. He pointed out that since Boeing resumed production of the 737 Max in 2020, after the aircraft was grounded following two fatal crashes, the number of reports about nonconforming parts has skyrocketed by 300%.

Mohawk alleged that during inspections, some parts were deliberately concealed from FAA inspectors. He has taken his concerns to federal regulators, filing a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in June.

Responding to the allegations, Boeing stated, “We are reviewing these claims and urge employees to report all concerns. Safety remains our top priority.”

Calhoun, in his prepared remarks, acknowledged Boeing’s shortcomings but emphasized the steps being taken to improve the company’s culture and operations. “Our culture isn’t perfect, but we’re committed to making it better,” he declared.

Senator Blumenthal characterized the upcoming hearing as a pivotal moment for Boeing, urging the company to prioritize long-term safety over short-term financial gains. The National Transportation Safety Board’s revelation that crucial bolts were missing from the Alaska Airlines plane involved in January’s incident has only added to Boeing’s woes. Meanwhile, the Justice Department has launched a criminal investigation into the matter.

Michael Whitaker, head of the FAA, admitted last week that the agency had been too lenient in overseeing Boeing before the January incident. As a result, the FAA has halted Boeing’s plans to increase production of the 737 Max.

In conclusion, Boeing faces a critical juncture as it confronts allegations of safety violations and prepares to defend its practices before lawmakers. The outcome of the hearings could shape the future of not just the company, but also the aviation industry’s regulatory landscape.

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