‘A sweet breeze amid a heatwave’: liberals feel hope again following Narendra Modi’s loss of his majority

Last Updated: June 23, 2024By

Hope and Celebration: Winds of Change at JNU Campus


Under the shade of a banyan tree in Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), a group of students gathered for their usual evening chats, buzzing with excitement and hope. The topic, as always, revolved around politics, but this time, there was a distinct shift in the air.

Antariksh Sharma, a PhD student in the arts, couldn’t contain his optimism: “It feels like a breath of fresh air after a long heatwave,” he remarked, reflecting on the recent election results that shook the country.

India’s political landscape was rocked when Narendra Modi, the formidable prime minister whose agenda had seemed unshakeable for a decade, lost his majority in parliament. While his party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), retained power, the era of unchecked dominance came to an end.


The aura of invincibility surrounding Modi was shattered, leading many to believe that the BJP’s more extreme policies might face hurdles. For liberals in India, this was a moment of relief and celebration.

At the heart of this political drama was JNU, a campus that symbolized resistance against right-wing forces. Once a stronghold of left-wing activism, it had become a target for the ruling party’s accusations and attacks.

The BJP’s rhetoric labeled JNU as a hub of “anti-India” sentiments, fueling a narrative that painted students as enemies of the state. The crackdown on dissent reached alarming levels, with students facing arbitrary detention and suppression of free speech.


Despite the challenges, students like Sharma took a stand, campaigning across the country to safeguard democratic values. Their efforts paid off when the election results signaled a potential shift in the campus atmosphere.

The recent days witnessed a wave of optimism and empowerment among JNU students. The fear of reprisal and censorship started to fade, allowing for open discussions and expressions without the looming threat of being branded “anti-national.”

The journey wasn’t easy, with Bollywood also becoming a battleground for ideological narratives. Movies like “JNU: Jahangir National University” aimed to vilify dissenting voices, contributing to the polarized atmosphere.

However, amidst these challenges, the resilience of Indian democracy shone through. The campus, once stifled by fear and propaganda, now echoed with hope and renewed determination.

As students reclaimed their voices and spaces, the future of academic freedom looked promising. The victory wasn’t just political; it was a testament to the enduring spirit of democracy in India.

For Tanu Yadav, a master’s student, the change was palpable. The once tense atmosphere gave way to a sense of liberation and possibility. As she headed to the library for a night of study, she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of a brighter tomorrow.

“In the end, Indian politics transcends individual egos,” she remarked. “There’s a glimmer of hope that things will improve.”

As the sun set over JNU, the winds of change carried whispers of a new beginning, echoing the resilience and optimism of a generation determined to uphold democratic values.

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